Welcome, my name is Lauren and this is my literary blog. This blog is where I post things I've written from short stories to haikus.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Villanelle--The Conundrum

I found this villanelle I wrote during undergrad which I remember being quite proud of at the time. This was my first and only attempt at writing one. I think I'm still rather fond of it. It's about coming out...or struggling to, I suppose. I named it "The Conundrum". A bit on the nose, eh?

"The Conundrum"

I know of fire and so well of rain
They both consume and inside burn so slow
There is a loss but also there is gain

Always an indicator is the pain
It helps to think that it might help you grow
I know of fire and so well of rain

The flames devour making you insane
Then hopeful rivers from the mind will flow
There is a loss but also there is gain

How surely then might you take my refrain
The truth is something never to let go
I know of fire and so well of rain

Ignited now so far past the mundane
The drizzle starts and better I should know
Fragility has passed with strength to claim

A balance there is ever to attain
The war inside tossed always to and fro
I know of fire and so well of rain
There is a loss but also there is gain

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